In keeping with the guiding principle “Focus on energy”, we specialise mainly in the construction of complex and large power plants for heat, refrigeration, industrial gases and electricity for industrial and medium-sized companies.
We will take an in-depth look at your company, required energy types and processes in order to discover possible areas of potential. Then we will work with our team of technical experts and make intelligent use of state-of-the-art technologies to develop efficient, long-term and comprehensive solutions.
- Optimising your energy costs while complying with all environmental regulations and satisfying the desire for user comfort
- Conserving your resources by using renewable energy sources
- Increasing your effectiveness and efficiency
- Ensuring your overall economic success now and in future
Oil and gas industrial boilers | hot water systems
Essential requirements are the energy-saving and low-pollution provision of heat with simultaneously high demands on the operational safety and availability of the plants. We offer customized system solutions for needs-based boiler house concepts through competent consulting and a comprehensive range of services.
Thanks to our accumulated experience and the use of state-of-the-art technology, our high-performance systems are low-emission and fail-safe. We always rely on high-quality, environmentally compatible materials and low-noise operation.
Highly efficient condensing technology for oil and gas saves energy costs and protects the environment thanks to unbeatable efficiency. Careful coordination of the optimum boiler and burner combination means that statutory emission limits are significantly undercut.

Steam and hot water equipment
Hot water and steam generation plants are at the heart of industrial, commercial and municipal infrastructures. We offer modern and modular system solutions for economical steam generation and supply products from renowned manufacturers.
Careful planning and coordinated interaction of the plant components are the guarantee that with us, hot water and steam generation plants are created that are economical, operationally reliable, and durable.
In addition to exploiting the potential for improvement with a new boiler plant, we offer you one thing above all: time savings!
Thanks to our many years of experience and a high degree of prefabrication in our Green Factory in Ungerhausen, we ensure quality and significantly minimize the time required for a boiler replacement on site at the customer. Ideally, the exchange takes place within three days.
Biomass heating systems
Biomass in all its forms, such as logs, pellets or wood chips – is a natural fuel that has been used for centuries. In a responsible approach to the environment, it is a real alternative to fossil energy production, thanks to renewable raw materials. At the same time, you will by no means lose your usual comfort, because our biomass heating systems are fully automated and monitored.
With us, wood is a domestic and regional fuel that offers you a high level of supply security, which also makes you independent of fossil fuels. The decision for biomass does not always mean an either-or, because often a combination makes sense.
Adding a wood boiler to an existing heating system significantly reduces the cost of oil and gas and pays for itself in a short time. On the other hand, a pellet boiler for base load coverage can be combined with an oil or gas boiler for peak load coverage.
Biomass can be used to generate heat and electricity. This makes it the most versatile of all alternative forms of energy. In addition, it is subject to only minor price fluctuations, is characterized by high availability, and is a renewable, CO2-neutral energy source.
Use of biomass::
Timber industry
Wood, sawmill and recycling industry, processors of waste wood
Trade and industry, such as food, pharmaceutical, chemical industry, etc.
- Local and district heating networks of communities and cities
Gardeners for heating greenhouses of all sizes

ORC plants
ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) is an efficient, clean and reliable method of power generation, mainly with biomass and geothermal applications. It is also expected to expand into solar and heat recovery applications in the coming years.
The ORC principle is based on a turbogenerator that works like a conventional steam turbine by converting thermal energy first into mechanical energy and finally into electrical energy by means of a power generator.
In the ORC system, an organic liquid whose molecular mass is higher than that of water evaporates, resulting in slower rotation of the turbine and lower mechanical stress. Since no moisture is generated during vapor expansion, wear of the rotor blades is reduced.
OCR turbines provide high thermodynamic process efficiency in automatic continuous operation, the presence of a plant operator is not required. Under simple maintenance conditions, these plants offer a long service life.
There are many possible applications for OCR plants: Power generation, district heating, biomass power plants, energy recovery, seawater desalination, or solar thermal.
They range from plants in power plants to steam from renewable energy sources. OCR systems in power plants are a highly efficient way of generating energy. As core components, they reliably contribute to using fossil fuels as efficiently and economically as possible and to meeting the constantly growing demand for energy.
With steam from renewable and thus future-proof energy sources, electricity is generated from biomass or solar thermal sources. At the same time, CO2 emissions are reduced compared with processes using fossil energy sources.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
Combined heat and power units are particularly suitable for properties that have a high year-round and simultaneous demand for electricity, heating and cooling. In addition, the CHP supply is resource-efficient thanks to its high overall efficiency. Remote monitoring and, above all, independence from the energy supplier allow optimum planning reliability.
We offer custom-fit CHP solutions starting at 250 kWel. The engines can be operated with biogas, landfill gas, natural gas, wood gas or other special gases. Our services range from the delivery of the CHP module to the installation of the complete turnkey plant.
A mobile and decentralized energy container is the perfect solution for realization at any location. We plan, design and manufacture without major construction effort, quickly and in modular design for flexible adaptation to your requirements.
Use of combined heat and power units:
- Office buildings, hotels, residential complexes, leisure and indoor swimming pools
- Hospitals, nursing and retirement homes
- Forwarding agencies, refrigerated warehouses
- Local and district heating plants
- Decentralized energy supply
Combined heat, power and cooling plants (CHP)
Cold and heat
Combined heat, power and cooling (CHP) is an extension of combined heat and power (CHP). The heat generated by a cogeneration plant or even a district heating network is used to operate an absorption chiller or adsorption chiller for air conditioning.
The refrigeration can be complementary to the heat generation. The absorption chiller has several advantages over an electrically driven compression chiller.
In summer, not only the hot water preparation serves as a heat sink for the CHP, but also the evaporator of the absorption chiller. This can significantly increase the number of annual operating hours of the CHP plant and improve its economic efficiency.
Compared to CHP and the additional operation of compression chillers, CHP makes more efficient use of the primary energy sources used and thus reduces emissions.

Geothermal and heat pump systems
Water / Earth / Air
Using energy from waste heat and water efficiently for heating and cooling with heat pumps. In harmony with nature – thanks to geothermal energy and heat pump technology.
Depending on the situation and the task, a suitable heat pump system is built for each application: Water/Water, Brine/Water and Air/Water.
The power spectrum of the systems ranges from 5 to 2,000 kW and can be expanded if required. The realization of a bivalent heating system is also possible. In this case, the heat pump provides the basic supply and an oil or gas condensing boiler is automatically switched on to cover peak loads.
Heating is not always the first priority. Sometimes cooling is a high priority. In some industries, process water must be cooled. The heat extracted from the cooling process can be reused elsewhere.
Various energy sources can be used:
- Air – practically unlimited availability, lowest investment costs.
- Ground – via ground collector, ground probe or ice storage, high efficiency
- Water – especially high efficiency, water quality has to be considered
- Waste heat – depends on availability, quantity and temperature level of waste heat
Heat recovery and groundwater cooling
Saving energy costs by means of heat recovery and groundwater cooling is a central topic in many companies due to a constantly increasing energy demand.
The use of waste heat from individual plants for heating purposes or hot water preparation is the simplest form. Waste heat is a waste product and would be released into the environment without further use, e.g. as warm exhaust air or warm waste water.
The use of groundwater for cooling the building also represents maximum efficiency.
The building has a pleasant climate even on warm sunny days due to well cooling.
With appropriate planning and the inclusion of groundwater, as a regenerative energy source, high heating and cooling capacities can be implemented at comparatively low construction costs.

Cooling machines | Air coolers | Cooling towers
We align your cooling system – both for a new installation and for increasing the efficiency of an existing system – to maximum energy efficiency. In each of our service areas (design and planning, realization, maintenance and service), your needs are the focus and ultimately decide on individual solutions or standard concepts.
Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine building technology without refrigeration and cooling systems, as they are elementary for the daily supply of fresh food, medical care or also for the temperature control of special rooms, processes or products.
As always, our focus is on energy and we gear your cooling system to maximum energy efficiency – both for a new system and for increasing the efficiency of an existing system. In each of our service areas (conception and planning, realization, maintenance and service), your needs are the focus and ultimately decide on individual solutions or standard concepts.
Adsorption and absorption technology
Electricity is becoming more and more expensive. Therefore, alternatives for the generation of necessary cooling energy should be considered.
Adsorption chillers generate cooling by using surplus heat as drive energy, thereby providing the required cooling capacity without electricity.
Waste heat from, for example, combined heat and power plants (CHPs), air compressors or industrial processes can be used as the drive source.
A mobile and decentralized container is the perfect solution for realization at any location. We plan, design and manufacture without major construction effort, quickly and in modular design for flexible adaptation to your requirements.
Gassner GmbH is your reliable partner in adsorption and absorption technology.

Compressors | Compressed Air CHP and Compressed Air Preparation
We provide you with professional solutions in the fields of compressors, compressed air CHP units and compressed air preparation.
In the field of compressed air generation, we offer screw compressors, stationary and mobile piston compressors and complete systems.
Efficient compressed air preparation ensures trouble-free and maintenance-friendly processes and ensures high product quality. Our perfectly matched products offer you an intelligent and optimal solution.
In most companies, the provision of compressed air, heating and process heat represents a major cost factor.
Production halls have to be heated, products dried or heated for manufacturing.
In modern industry, compressed air is used in a variety of ways and accounts for around 10% of total energy costs. Conventional systems use comparatively expensive electricity to generate compressed air. In addition, a lot of waste heat, mostly unused, is created.
Together with our partner Bosch, we offer environmentally friendly, cost-efficient compressed air CHP units powered by natural gas.
In addition, the waste heat from the engine and compressor is recovered and made usable for heating purposes. In addition to considerable savings in energy costs, CO2 emissions can be reduced by up to 50% and independence from political framework conditions can be created.
Containerized energy centers
The flexible solution
Modular component systems in energy systems meet growing environmental protection requirements and changing purposes.
Fast, simple and standardized – adaptable component systems with high quality and consistent standards. The containerized design of mobile energy centers offers the optimal solution: complex technology, shorter construction time, replacement, expansion and cost transparency – all compact.
Industrial prefabrication and know-how in 3D planning and construction guarantee the highest quality. This saves you time and gives you the certainty of being able to react quickly to changing requirements. Consistency lies in change! This is what we mean by innovative energy in focus.
In our Green Factory, we offer you comprehensive manufacturing and production services for mobile energy centers in container design.
Our solutions are their advantages: Quality assurance, time savings, process optimization and sustainability. CO2-neutral production.
The mobile, decentralized energy container is the perfect solution for implementation at any location. We plan, design and manufacture without major construction effort, quickly and in modular design for flexible adaptation to your requirements.
Containerized energy centers:
- Cooling, heat and power generation possible
- All power classes can be realized in containerized design
- Short construction time of 2-6 months depending on design and dimensions
- Cost-effective alternative to building construction
- High quality due to ideal working environment in our production hall in Ungerhausen